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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Something Strange!?!

Have you ever seen something weird that people once considered normal? Well I found one here at Ball’s Falls! I was exploring by the Ball family home the other day and found something I find very strange…..a three seat toilet!

That is me on the 3 seat toilet!

I found this so unique I had to tweet one of the staff to find out more! She said that this was actually quite normal in those times because the toilet was outside people would just have a little opening on their underclothing to use the facilities. So they actually wouldn’t take off clothing to use the washroom. In this case it did not matter who was right beside you. And I thought I had it bad having to go in the woods with no privacy, but at least I can hide behind a bush! Come see it for yourself and just ask one of the tour guides for more information. If you have any other ideas of once common things that now seem strange let me know!

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