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Friday, July 23, 2010

A Little About Me, Boomer, and my fellow Bluebirds!

Hello everybody! Welcome to my blog, my name is Boomer the Bluebird and I live at Ball’s Falls Conservation Area I am the unofficial mascot for Ball’s Falls and I will be letting you in on all the fun and exciting things to do and see there this summer! Today I am going to tell you a bit about myself and I hope you follow me in my adventures; I sure am excited to show you! That’s me below on the left, and that’s one of my real bluebird buddies on the right. Since I have superior typing skills I will be writing to you and using them to give you a bird’s eye view throughout the conservation area.

1.Boomer the bluebird frolicking at Ball’s Falls 2.Bluebird Outside the Centre for Conservation

I am an Eastern bluebird or Sialia sialis in Latin. You can recognize me and my family by our white bellies. The males of our species have a bright blue back and a reddish brown throat and breast while the females have a lighter blue and grey back and a brown throat and breast with a grey crown. Bluebirds are found in forest edges and open country east of the Rockies from Southern Canada to the Gulf of the United States.
Most of my diet is insects; and I know how they bother humans so I do my part to keep them in check. The rest of what I eat is fruits and berries, which is what I mostly eat in wintertime. I perch on a high fence or post and look for yummy insects to eat and when I see the right one I just swoop down and catch my snack.
When I do stay in one place for the winter I choose a heavy thicket or orchard which provides me with enough food and coverage for the winter. For the rest of the year I like to live in nests in tree holes and of course birdhouses made by our great human friends!
Unfortunately in the past few decades the number of bluebirds has been declining. There are a couple of reasons for that, first loss of habitat; trees and meadows that I need to live in are disappearing. Sometimes trees are cut down or cleared to make room for houses or dead trees are just removed (which I don’t mind living in). Another problem for bluebirds is the non-native bird species which have been introduced and have entered these areas, such as House Sparrows and European Starlings. They take over bluebird nests which leaves me homeless.
But not to worry, I have some wonderful human friends on my side who are helping me live here by improving my habitat and building me bluebird nesting boxes, like those around the Centre for Conservation at Ball’s Falls. With humans helping to make sure that other birds do not make a home in my bluebird box, bluebirds are slowly making a comeback! I hope everyone will help me and my family because we really love living here with all of our wonderful human neighbours. If you are interested in a great weekend activity, here is a link to show you how to make your own Bluebird nesting box or you can always find one at a store already made for you. Once you have a nesting box here is a link on how to attract us to it, We certainly would appreciate the help!

1.Bluebird Nesting Box outside the Centre for Conservation 2.Boomer by his nesting box at Ball’s Falls

So that is a bit about me and remember I live at Ball’s Falls Conservation Area so come on by and see me sometime. Also stay tuned for exciting events that will be happening at Ball’s Falls this summer! Talk to you soon!

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